Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Nascar Foundation

A good organization supports charity and NASCAR NASCAR does just that through its Foundation. The NASCAR Foundation has a program where for a donation of $ 30 you can join up on the track for NASCAR. The Home Depot, one of the greatest centers of retailing in the nation, home improvement is a major promotional sponsor and organize charity events with the proceeds going to the Foundation. But who has the support of the Foundation and what kinds of events are held to raise funds? One thing they do is sponsor auctions where the proceeds go to a foundation supported by the NASCAR Foundation. For example, September 17, 2007, announced a bid on autographed Jeff Gordon full-size fiberglass bodywork. The proceeds from this auction go to the Jeff Gordon Foundation, which supports pediatric medical care of children with severe and potentially fatal disease. NASCAR Foundation Blood and Marrow units has different songs each year. Donations help and Jimmie Johnson Foundation, Hendrick Marrow. More NASCAR are charitable foundation: The Dale Earnhardt Foundation is a foundation headed by the wife of the great race that has died in a car accident in the 2001 race. Dale Earnhardt was concerned about education, children, and wildlife and his life working on this foundation. The Kyle Petty Kyle Petty Charity Ride is the son of King Richard Petty and NASCAR sponsors a bicycle tour across the U.S. for the Victory Junction Gang Camp and other charities children. Victory Junction Gang Camp This is an organization with a mission to help enrich the lives of children with serious illnesses by providing camping experience in a medically safe environment. E 'was founded by Kyle Petty and his wife Pattie in June 2004. The couple also donated the land that the field is today. The course is interesting because it was built with a racing theme and everything looks like a NASCAR track. The camp has donated money and there are opportunities for volunteering. It also gives a blanket and a teddy bear for each child who stays there so they are always looking for donations of these items to meet your offer. Car Donation Program NASCAR There are many ways to donate to the foundation of NASCAR. One way is through NASCAR's Car Donation Program. Here, you can donate a vehicle and then is the donation program goes into a NASCAR car auction revenue will be donated to charity. All donations are fully tax deductible. NASCAR Day Telethon This was a telethon held on May 18, 2007 in front of Lowe's Motor Speedway in Charlotte, North Carolina. The Speed Channel, NASCAR, Sirius and radio broadcast of this event until the end of his career Craftsman Truck Series Telethon. There are many other charities supported by the NASCAR Foundation, but it is obvious that NASCAR is concerned about contributing to the community, which is probably one reason why the sport is becoming increasingly popular.

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