Sunday, November 22, 2009

Translucent Aluminum Motor Blocks For Race Car Engine Inspections

There is no doubt that motorsport is a very dangerous sport, and the cost of participating in car races, just to buy engines require the sponsorship of very large companies that can afford these heavy expenses. When a car engine block cracks, or is a problem, spits oil all over the issue and becomes very dangerous. Cars escape very easily, and all the oil from the driver's windshield makes it difficult for him (or her) to see, and may cause his downfall. To prevent this make sense to control car engines closely. Now, there may be a new technology to help with everything and do it in real time, without having to tear down the engine after each race. In fact, these checks can be done in a few seconds during the race when a car is subject to a stop. Let me explain this new technology. Scientists in Hamburg, Germany, have found a way to keep all the aluminum atoms and the use of micro-laser to remove the electrons. This creates what they call the fourth state of matter, and makes the operation will have a transparent or invisible, in this case. Now imagine that an engine block and head of an engine that was transparent, it would allow immediate control of all key components to see if things are wearing the right. It also allows time-saving mechanisms, and pull the car racing track or practice, the engines were about to explode. This is a huge security problem that could save hundreds of thousands of dollars during the season. Please take into account.

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